"Relation florale" Allan Abani


For our very first online editorial, photographer Allan Abani shares his story with beautiful flowers. Models Yuki Yamada & Yurie Tateishi has on light-coloured pieces from C/Meo Collective, Honey Mi Honey, Charles & Keith, GalaabenD, Zara, A(LeFRUDE)E, evolving into a darker look with Luis’s, Studious, Dream Sister Jane, Zara, Cleopatra Fig. He ends his story with scarlet pieces from Loveless, Manebu, Khoon Hooi, Gyda and Beams. Style by Kayo Fujiwara and make-up + hair by Ena Honjo.

記念すべき第一回目のオンライン記事は、フォトグラファーの Allan Abani が美しい花とともにストーリーをお届けします。Yuki YamadaYurie Tateishi が白を基調としたファッションを身にまとい、( C/Meo Collective、Honey Mi Honey、Charles & Keith、GalaabenD、 Zara、A(LeFRUDE)E )そして深い色に染まります。(Luis’s, Studious、Dream Sister Jane、Zara、Cleopatra Fig )最後は、真紅に彩られてストーリーを締めくくります。(Loveless、Manebu、Khoon Hooi、Gyda and Beams )スタイリストKayo Fujiwara /ヘアーメイクEna Honjo

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all clothing GalaabenD, sandals A(LeFRUDE)E, earrings Yuki’s

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vest GalaabenD, earrings Yuki’s

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jacket C/MEO Collective, pants Zara, belt Honey Mi Honey, boots Charles & Keith

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suit jacket Lui’s

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dress Dream Sister Jane, shoes Zara, earrings Cleopatra Fig

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Yuki: suit Lui’s, cut & sew Studious, boots Zara / Yurie: dress Dream Sister Jane, shoes Zara, earrings Cleopatra Fig

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Yuki: suit Lui’s, cut & sew Studious, boots Zara. Yurie: dress Dream Sister Jane, earrings Cleopatra Fig

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dress Khoon Hooi, boots Gyda, earrings Beams

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suit Loveless, shirt Lui’s, shoes Manebu, earrings Yuki’s

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Yuki: suit Loveless, shirt Lui’s / Yurie: dress Khoon Hooi, earrings Beams